Hello Everyone! So I'm here today with a not so scrappy post. Have you guys heard of influenster? If you havent, well let me start off with how awesome it is! "Infuenster
is a
Exclusive Community of Trendsetters using their Influence to Qualify for
Complimentary Product Shipments, Rewards and Deals fit for their
Lifestyles. Members love Testing the Latest Products, Offering
Insightful Feedback and Spreading the Word on Products they Rate
Positively!" -fb fan page :) but it is what is says. You sign up and get
free stuff in the mail (really its FREE) in exchange for your opinions
on the products they sent. You get a couple of challenges per box (post a
picture on your FB, Blog, Instagram etc) the more badges you get the
better the chance you get picked for a program. I personally have gotten
2 (mom Voxbox and Naturals Voxbox ) This is my latest one :)

In this box I got
Natural Hand Sanitizer Wipes
Good for on the go! I'm an wippie freak lol
The Original™
Dish Drying Mat
I got this right when the dishwasher went out. SO I was very happy to have something to use while we fixed it. I like it alot but you have to wash it frequently for it not to smell. I need like 5 so I can function between laundry days.
LypSyl LypMoisturizer™
Intense Protection LypMoisturizer™
LOVE IT, really it works very well and I like the packaging :)
Raw Shea, Chamomile & Argan Baby Bar Soap
Smells so good! and Organic is always good
Natural Energy Booster
Tasted good. didnt notice much of a boost though.
GEODEO Natural Deodorant Plus Detox Complex
This one is kinda confusing, it smells really good. when I put it on I dont smell it as in me but it works really good. in my mind because I cant detect them smell it bug me! lol I think Im just crazy.
All Natural No Calories Sweetner
I dont use sweetener but I gave this to my grandma who hates everything and she LOVED it :)
This is a really cool program, its completly free. You are never asked for any billing information. EVER.
If you have any questions about anything or more on how it works just ask away <3