First of all though, don't forget, every item you purchase from Bean Bunny Designs store before June 1st, enters you in the draw to win the entire store! It doesn't get any better than that. Also, there's a whole bunch of amazing kits in her PDP store for only $2 each! Check out this awesome one - the colours are so funky!

There's also a bunch of other neat ones marked down so go check them out!
Now freebies. Everyone loves freebies right? So we're on a crusade to get followers and readers (and of course, customers! :P) and here is how we're starting.
There's 3 lots of freebies to collect:
- Freebies #1 - Grab them from this post (A stacked paper and a set of glitters)
- Freebies #2 - Follow using the google follower thingy in the sidebar (at Bean Bunny Designs Blog), leave a comment and make sure you're using a valid address as download links will be mailed to you. If you follow already, make sure you leave a comment letting me know so I don't miss anyone out.
- Freebies #3 - Follow on twitter and tag @Bean_Bunny in a tweet! (right here) Links will be direct messaged to you.
EDIT: Due to many people not having twitter, becoming a fan on Facebook is fine too =) *please share on FB with your friends if possible and make sure to leave a comment* Thanks :D
Freebies #2 - Following via Google Friend Connect gets you these two freebies:

Freebies #3 - Following on Twitter gets you these two freebies:

Freebies #1 - Grab these freebies below!:

Download Stacked paper from Mediafire
Download Stacked Paper from 4Shared
Download Glitter Styles from Mediafire
Download Glitter Styles from 4Shared
So, go on, grab yourself some freebies and get following. And by the way - a little sneak err... hint... in the near future there will be kit giveaways etc so you want to be following when that happens!
Don't forget the CT Call (check the previous post!)